"Don't you just love...fall? It makes me want to shop for back to
school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." - Kathleen Kelley, You've Got Mail
That is exactly how I feel. That line right there is why I love that movie. And also why I love fall! I am not in school. I am not a teacher. I don't have kids in school. But I'm ready for school! Or just the idea of what it brings I guess, which is fall. I never have hard feelings about summer being on its way out.
I become scholarly and introspective in the fall. I tend to wear my glasses more often. I love to read at all times during the year, but there is nothing like curling up with a good book in the fall. I like watching cozy movies like Little Women, You've Got Mail and Harry Potter. I want to meet in coffee shops and drink pumpkin spice lattes. And oh the scarves we can wear!
Football. I love college football. Joey and I are ready for Aggie football in particular. There is just something comforting about a football game going on in the background. And chili cooking. Mmm-hmm.
Oh, and one of the best things about Fall for me are the coming holidays! Thanksgiving might just be my favorite. I love the fall decorations, smells, football and the anticipation of Christmas. Thanksgiving is relaxed, yet festive. Same great food. Same great family time. BUT, you know you still have more of it to look forward to with Christmas.
I have had to put myself in check several times while at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. I could wipe them out of fall decorations if allowed. This is my mantra: "Jenny, you have plenty of fall decorations already. Remember the after Thanksgiving sale you ravaged last year at Pier One? Put the pumpkin and faux fall leaves down." And repeat.
And one other love: it will be unreasonable to be put in situations requiring a swimsuit for at least another 7 months. Pumpkin pie, don't mind if I do. Can I get an amen?
All this I am perfectly ready and waiting for.
Walk out the door and you are still engulfed in a heat wave. Sigh. I am ready for crisp fall weather. For falling red, orange and gold leaves. Leave it to God to make fading beautiful.
So, what are you looking forward to in fall? Am I the only one who has Fall Fever?