Or at least the me telling you about it. This month has flown by. Whew!
It's been a crazy busy past couple of weeks! What have the Perot's been up to? See for yourself!
First, was our Butler/Priesmeyer family girl trip to Fredricksburg:

Where we stayed at this little bed and breakfast:

I have never seen more knickknacks in my life! And birdhouses. And decorative pin cushions. And most of them were on the walls.
This was the Seven Dwarves Room and had the most beds. Despite having plenty of room in the rest of the house, we pulled a blow up mattress in the middle of the room so we could fit the most people in slumber party fashion. There were beds lined up on the other side of the room as well. You can see the role reversal: I think the knickknacks were supporting the wall.

And here's me, Mom and Jo.

Cousin Kristin and Jo. (we never called her Cousin Kristin, this is just for descriptive purposes)

It was also Mom's birthday so the band that we listened to on Saturday night made her come up on stage, put on a feather boa and have everyone sing Happy Birthday. She loved it. I'm being sarcastic. No, secretly, I think she probably did love it.

This is Judy, Danielle and Aunt Lisa. Judy and
Danielle are my step cousin and aunt, I guess if you want technicalities. Funny story: me, Danielle and my Grandmother were all newlyweds at the same time. My Grandmother married Danielle's Grandfather!

Mom, Gale, Lisa & Amy

More of the gang...

Then there was the Great Pumpkin Carving of 2010. Joey and I, along with our back fence neighbors, hosted a pumpkin carving this past weekend for our neighborhood to get all our neighbors and their kiddos together. It was a huge success! Not only did we get to hang out with the neighbors we already knew, we got to meet neighbors from all over "the hood" as well.
Some neighbors were triple threats: skilled in scooping, carving and painting!

As we didn't have kids, Joey was deemed the neutral judge.

Here are the lucky winners! The Pumpkitty took first place.

This past weekend was also my ten year high school reunion! And it seems that no one took any pictures until after we left. I left my camera at home and planned on using my phone to take pictures, but then nobody took pics! Haven't seen each other in 5+ years, you would think someone would have started it! Oh well, it was great seeing everyone!
Other than events, there's been a little of this....

And a lot of that...

And guess what?
My mum is still with us!!