Wednesday, October 28, 2009
DVRing Life
Today has more than 24 hours' worth of tasks.
I wish I could DVR life sometimes, you know? I feel like I've been so busy this week that I haven't had a chance to stop and relish its events. Ok, well some I do not wish to revel in such as the fact that I have a report due on Friday, the huge project that I'm in charge of is launching on Tuesday of next week with SO many loose ends yet to tie up, and I'm taking my annual staff exam next Wednesday (many study for 3-4 wks. for this and I have barely given it a glance. Can you say EEK?!). Those are the things that would be left un-DVR'd if you will. However, my parents are coming tomorrow night which should be fun. Hence I'm in a cleaning frenzy (also left off the DVR List). My brother Stephen made it to regionals in tennis and is playing in Katy. It's his senior year so this might be the last time I actually get to see him compete in a match. Oh and that project? I would like to DVR the outcome. After all, I've been working on it since May. least I'm hoping it would be on my DVR List due to a good ending, but if it's the reverse maybe not. Yikes! On this note, I might could use a few extra prayers on all the un-DVR'd items, pretty please?
As long as there are enough moments in life that are worthy of reliving, there will be plenty to hang our hats on in the dry spells.
So I'm curious. What memories would you hang your hat on? What would you DVR from your life to play over and over again?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hanging Out With The Adams
Joey, Uncle James, and Rosser went shooting while I, well basically got in the way. :)
Can you believe this is the view from their HOUSE?!
Here are a few shots from the hike:
We had the best time hanging out with these guys and can't thank them enough for opening their home to us for a couple of days! Thank you!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
In From Out West
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Where are we?
Ok, I'll give you a hint: Paul Bunyan supposedly created this by dragging his axe along the ground. If you guess right, I'll give you...ummm well, just kudos for looking it up on Google. :)
Be back and blogging soon!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Dad Meets Bart

I've mentioned before that my Dad is a cat person. He doesn't care for dogs. That's my Mom's phrasing. Don't say you don't like something, say you don't care for it. It's softer and more polite. So in my family you didn't not like creamed corn, but rather you didn't care for it. We were one big, happy, caring family I guess. Well, growing up we knew that Dad didn't like dogs. We believe this ties back to a negative experience in childhood, but he won't give us the details. Must be too painful. I would ask for a dog and we'd get a cat. That's just how it worked. Dad said cats were smarter than dogs. Remember Robert De Niro's character from Meet The Parents? That's my Dad.
One day, a stray dog started hanging around our house. Of course, the reason he was hanging around was because everyone but Dad was secretly feeding him. But he didn't know that. Mysteriously, this dog showed up every day. We all looked at each other and exclaimed out loud how strange it was that he kept coming back. Dad would come home from work and say "Get on outta here!", but there he'd be the next day. He became such a fixture, that he acquired a name: Bart.
Bart was an old mutt. A shaggy, long-haired, junkyard dog, of a mutt. He was the kind of dog you were endeared to immediately due to his completely pitiful state. Everyone loved our new dog. Everyone, it seemed but Dad, who referred to Bart as "that dawg",furrowed his brow, and narrowed his eyes whenever Bart walked by. Bart sure was courageous because despite Dad's body language he would still make an attempt at a relationship. He would nudge his shaggy head against Dad's hand showing him that he wasn't going to give up.
I had pretty much put Bart down for the count with Dad until one day I made a discovery. I heard a noise from the window that looked into our garage. It sounded like someone talking softly so I peeked out the window. It was Dad. Talking to....Bart?! Dad was talking sweetly, smiling, and petting his head. I couldn't believe my eyes! This whole time he'd been holding out on us! I tried to catch Dad in action several times, but he never would own up to it. He secretly liked Bart, he just had to keep the tough guy exterior. Dog's get to your heart you know?
Bart was only with us a month or two. He just didn't show up one day. I don't really know what happened to him. We were all heartbroken because of course we all thought we had a dog of our own. I think Dad was probably sad too, though he didn't show it. I learned a few things about Dad from Bart. Some of it I already knew, but some of it was new stuff.
So guess whose watching our dogs next week? That's right, Dad. Of course, he makes a big fuss and puts on a show, but secretly I think he's excited that they're coming to stay. Mom tells me so. Maybe Mom's phrasing on it was right. Dad doesn't care for dogs, he prefers cats. BUT, I no longer think he just doesn't like them either. We now know better.
P.S. I still don't like creamed corn.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My husband's home!
Watching a scary movie and not knowing when to turn my head and totally missing what was going on, usually I watch him watch these movies and he gives me the narrative.
Only one football game on versus flipping back and forth to five.
When I found his socks in the freshly washed sheets all balled up.
When I realize I haven't had a kiss in 4 days.
Watching the dogs sniff around expectantly trying to find him.
When I push in his dresser drawers and they actually stay closed for a few days.
Not having him to give me the thumbs up on an outfit before wearing it. He'll usually tell me if I'm way off. :)
When I forgot to take out the trash and it was apparent. My job is to refill the bag.
When I put my hand on the other side of the bed and I couldn't find his shoulder.
Just a few of many moments. I'm so glad he's back!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Over The Top Award

Danielle was sweet enough to tag me with an award and to accept, I need to answer the questions below and pass on to some of you guys! This is great for a light blogging kind of a day. So here you go...
1. Where is your cell phone: lost in my Mary Poppins purse
2. Your hair: is failing me, I'm getting gray hair!
3. Your mother: Supermom
4. Your father: can always be depended on for a hug...even if he's not sure why I need it :)
5. Your favorite food: toss up between Mexican & Italian
6. Your dream from last night: something about my teeth turning chocolate brown - I take no responsibility for the the content of my dreams. But I did check my teeth this morning just in case.
7. Your favorite drink: water with lemon or a caramel macchiato
8. Your dream/goal: write for a living
9. What room are you in: living room
10. What is your hobby: reading, writing, and music (I bet you thought I was going to say arithmetic, not a chance)
11. What is your fear: Death by fire - ohh, I don't mean to be morbid, but that's really what comes to mind. Failure would be a more abstract fear.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: enjoying kids and family, refer to #8
13. Where were you last night: At the casa
14. Something you are not: well-traveled :(
15. Muffins: banana nut
16. Wish List items.: watch from Sundance, a few pairs of shoes I've had my eye on, dining rm table....hmm...this might be an important post for Joey to read...
17. Where did you grow up: Livingston, Texas
18. Last thing you did: talk to my hubby on the phone
19. What are you wearing: jeans and t-shirt
20. Your TV: is never watched in real time, only dvr'd
21. Your pets: We have His and Hers dogs: Gus & Bogart
22. Your friends: multigenerational
23. Your life: an adventure, maybe not the hiking Everest kind, but more like the everyday life kind of adventure
24. Your mood: reflective
25. Missing someone: Joey, he's been out of state for several days on business.
26. Vehicle: Honda Accord - If I drove a Porsche, I would've still said Honda Accord - who knows who might read this? Casing the Joint virtually, you know? No really, it's an Accord. Really.
27. Something your not wearing: I feel like they're fishing for a sexy answer but this is all I got: I've been sans-earrings all day and I feel like I'm missing an arm or something.
28. Your favorite store: Anthropologie
29. Your favorite color: red sometimes, green sometimes, blue sometimes....I don't have loyalties
30. When's the last time you laughed: a half second ago when I posted the answer below in this blank by accident. You guys would have thought I'm so cold!
31. When's the last time you cried: a few days ago I think, listening to the new Steven Curtis Chapman song Heaven is the Face about seeing heaven through the face of his little girl who died this past year.'s awful, it's wonderful, it had me balling.
32. Your best friend: my husband, Joey.
33. One place you go over and over: HEB - what does this say about me?
34. One person who emails me regularly: Joey
35. Favorite place to eat?: Ruthie's Mexicana
Alright, I'm passing this onto some folks who I enjoy knowing what they have to say and I'd like to hear more from!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Book Hugger

Saturday I was sitting in a coffee shop reading a book when my ears picked up a news story on TV. You can read the story HERE. There is actually a school that is getting rid of the books in the library and going completely digital. What? Sad news. I understand what they're getting at in embracing technology and all, but no books in a library? Nothing but cold computers?
There's more to books than just information. Books are an experience. The joy of opening a book for the first time, the spine cracking, the feel of slightly textured paper between your fingers as you turn each page. The different colors, shapes and sizes. I could spend a whole day in Barnes & Noble just looking. It's like going to Marble Slab and being allowed to sample every flavor. You open books with expectancy, ready to be enveloped in some new adventure and to take a short reprieve from reality.
There is something private when you open a book that's just between you and the story that unfolds. It's almost as if upon it's opening you are automatically insulated from the rest of the world. At least that's how I feel. For me, in more awkward years (yes, I was much more awkward than I am now) books were a way to forget about the fact that I was a shy, tall, skinny, knobby-kneed teenager. Books were almost a defense at times. When Beauty & The Beast came out, I dreamed of having Belle's Library.
Maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but I don't think a computer screen will do the trick. I can see the convenience of carrying a Kindle, but again it's because you can't have the real thing. Just now, I'm imagining reading Jane Austen on my computer screen. Yuck! Something is all wrong about it. If we're headed in this direction, I will refuse. I can just see myself in Fahrenheit 451 fashion hiding my books and reading by flashlight to prevent them from being replaced by a Kindle. I'll take my grand kids to a Book Museum to show them what a book looks like, explaining to them that their Grandmother used to read from books, while memories of Reading Rainbow flash through my mind.
Ok, ok, so I really don't think it'll get to this point, but I couldn't help but think on it. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks that there's nothing like curling up with a good book.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Happy Birthday To My Mom!!
Happy Birthday to you, Mom!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Temporary Housing
Thankfully, my sense of distance is as usual, incredibly impaired and it wasn't our house. It was several neighborhoods away from house in fact. Like I said, not gifted in spatial orientation. I could never be the one to guess how many pennies are in a jar. I came home, loved on my dogs, breathed a sigh of relief, and then...I forgot about it.
Driving home from work I passed the house. It is in a beautiful neighborhood with other large houses, next to a golf course. From what I could see from the road and looking past the fence, there is not much left of it. I could just see charred timbers and what remained in the back of kid's playground equipment, also blackened. Somebody lost their home today. Possessions, investments, pictures, keepsakes, memories. How could I have forgotten? Easy. When it's not happening to me, I can put it away in my back pocket and forget about it. Leave the scene and it's gone, you know? It's good sometimes to have a little insulation and not to hold on to things, but sometimes when we forget the scene, we forget the lesson.
So I'm writing this down so I can think about it. Think about how temporary material things are in this life. How things that I tend to collect or hold on to can quickly be disappear and be reduced to ashes. I guess it goes along with the post below, but not intentionally so. Maybe God's trying to teach me something in this area. He's asking me to get my claws out of my stuff and into the stuff that matters. What am I holding on to that's only temporary? I think we're right to be devastated about a house burning down with all of our wordly possessions. It's probably like losing whole chunks of your life in memories. I can't even begin to imagine how that would feel. For me, as an onlooker, it's a reality check.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Terracotta Warrior

Yikes! Oh my goodness! Joey says "Cool, huh?". Umm yeah,! So...what is it? "It's a Terracotta Warrior." Oh I see...pause not really seeing...What's a Terracotta Warrior? "Back in the 70s they uncovered thousands of lifesized statue warriors like this in Asia circa 200 B.C. They believe they were constructed to protect the Emperor and the kingdom in the afterlife." (Yes, he really said this. It was like I had turned on the History Channel complete with dates and references to the Ming Dynasty...or something like that) Oh. Slightly frightening don't you think? (the Terracotta Warrior was giving me a fierce eye at this point). "I love these things!" Oh ok, well I'm glad you love it! And I followed Joey and the Terracotta Warrior inside.
I have to tell you something. The Terracotta Warrior frightens the heck out of me. The Terracotta Warrior is less Mulan and more Last Samurai. You know the scene where the crazy scary warriors charge in the forest? That, but frozen and in our study. Staring at me. Now in fact. I can feel it over my shoulder. Let's look.
Yup. Still there. See how he's clenching his fists? A smile is the last thing on his mind. Shudder.
Sometimes the Terracotta Warrior ends up like this:
It's very mysterious how this happens. I don't know who would turn a small harmless statue around like that. It just happens. And then equally as mysterious, the Terracotta Warrior is facing me again the next day....but closer. Hmm...funny, I just looked over and he has his back to me again now. Like I said, it's very odd.
I must say, I am glad I have Heaven to look forward to in the afterlife and God to guard our kingdom. I don't have to rely on legions of Terracotta Warriors to give me peace or rest. I don't have to spend my lifetime building Terracotta Warriors. But the question is do I? That's something I can take away from the Terracotta Warrior. A daily reminder of where I need to put my hope and comfort. Maybe I'm not building physical statues, but I'm sure I have Terracotta Warriors of my own - places other than Christ where I'm putting my hope. It could be material possessions, relationships, status, success, recognition. The possibilites change day to day. It doesn't matter, they all fall short in the end. There is only one Hope to which we can hold fast and which will watchover us for eternity. Are you putting your hope in Terracotta Warriors?
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and
steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Matthew 6:19-21