Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hanging Out with the March Girls

Guess what we're reading for November and December? Little Women! An absolute favorite of mine from childhood. Isn't it perfect for the holiday season? It's one of those books/movies that oddly seems to be a favorite during holidays for no other reason than that it makes you feel all cozy inside. Like the first Harry Potter. Or maybe it's just me, but I like to watch these movies around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I can't tell how comforting it is to get reacquainted with Jo, Meg, Amy, Beth and Marmee. I think I was probably around ten when I first met this cast of characters. Dad took me to the library once a week to pick out a new book and it was always on my favorites list.

Here are a few others that I loved-loved growing up:

Anne of Green Gables ( I also loved the TV series and had a crush on Gilbert. I was slightly jealous of Ann with an 'e')

Nancy Drew (this was only after I read all the Hardy Boys books my Dad passed to me and although I was thoroughly positive that Nancy, being a girl, could not hold a candle to the Hardy Boys' adventures, I read every single Nancy Drew book.)

Little House on the Prairie (and who wouldn't love Half-Pint?)

And others such as Sarah, Plain and Tall, Harriet the Spy, A Wrinkle in Time and the Phantom Tollbooth.

We are planning to watch the movie when we get together to discuss "where we will bear our souls and tell the most appalling of secrets". Ha!

Hands down, the Winona Ryder version is my favorite, but I guess it depends on what you grew up watching. When this movie came out I went to see it at the theater with my Mom, sister, aunts and grandmother which is only fitting for Little Women.

Do you have any childhood favorites that you would read again?


  1. I got the Ann of Green Gables books the other day at half priced books for Ana - she had never read them. I am insisting that she does!!!!!

  2. Good for you! Anne of Green Gables should be required reading!
